HADCO is fully committed to undertake its business in such a way to minimize the risk of injury, damage to property or the environment. We have a moral and legal obligation to safeguard the health, safety and welfare of employees and interests of customers who may be affected as a result of company activities. We fully accept the obligations and responsibilities to work safely with reasonable care for employee health and safety and to do all that is reasonably practical to prevent accidents, injuries and damage to health, including a commitment to continuo improvement in OH&S management and performance. We are committed to comply with all applicable legal and statutory requirements that are related to OH&S risks. Providing and maintaining safe working environments and ensuring that all employees play an active part in the health and safety programs and facilitate them with adequate information, instruction, training and Supervision. We regularly improve and sustain the confidence level of existing and potential customers, improve work safety conditions and strive to uphold core values of safety, knowledge, integrity and leadership in order to achieve goal of zero harm.

all rights are reserved Foundation on the outsider of Al-Halafi © 2019
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